Saturday, June 6, 2015

"The Good Girls" by Teresa Mummert

Teresa Mummert never ceases to amaze me - she is some kind of genius mastermind that has perfected the art of screwing with my mind. Her books make me happy, angry, sad and giddy at the same time as they blow my mind. Whenever I think I know where one of her stories is headed, she delivers a twist that throws me off track. The Good Girls was no different from my previous Mummert-adventures - just when I thought I had it all figured out, I had to realize that what I thought I knew wasn't even close to the whole story.

The Good Girls was my first f/f read; not because I am one to shy away from the topic, at all, but simply because no blurb hinting on a lesbian romance had ever caught my interest before... and truth be told, the blurb alone probably wouldn't have done it for me on this one either, but once I had laid eyes on the first teaser, there was no turning back - and I definitely do not regret having picked up this book. On the contrary - The Good Girls is a great read, and I had a lot of fun exploring the lives, feelings and sexualities of Ellie and Cara, the two main characters whose alternating point of views the story is told from. Mummert has done a tremendous job in sharing their story - it doesn't make you feel like anything has been forced or far-fetched; it's as real as fiction gets. The novel tackles a lot of sinister issues that some people unfortunately have to face on a daily basis in real life - including, but not limited to, bullying, bigotry, hatred and hate crimes, violence and rape. At the same time, it also targets the importance of love, family, friendship, support, unconditional parental love, and accepting people for who they are... not to forget the journey of curiosity, of confusion and of exploring the beauty that comes with discovering one's sexuality.

Altogether, The Good Girls is a beautiful approach to the topic - and as cute as it is dark. It will make you frown as much as it will make you giggle, and Mummert definitely didn't forget to include some hot and steamy moments.
My only small little dislike was that both Cara and Ellie seemed a little too naïve to me at times, but in retrospect that just showed their young age (in the beginning of the story they are both about to start their senior year in high school), so it isn't a real dislike - and every time Brody showed up in the story most certainly made amends for any and all ugh, how naïve-moments I might have had. Brody... sigh... I love, love, loooooved that character, so he can't not have a mention in my review! While The Good Girls did come to a beautiful end, I am not-so-secretly hoping that there will be some sort of sequel, featuring a loooot of Brody - maybe he could be taken up on his donation offer?! There is no denying that he is a character that got my fanfic mind spinning (; ... more, please!


My life was meticulously planned and I refused to deviate from that path. While my peers were partying, I prepared for the future. Then a tragic event destroyed everything and I learned that while I was looking ahead, I forgot to live in the moment. 
Starting over seemed impossible until I met Cara McCarthy, who lived every day like it was her last. She opened my eyes to a world of chaos and disorder. I loved every minute of it. She was also dating Tristan Adams, one of the most gorgeous men I’d ever seen.
The three of us became inseparable. Our parents were oblivious and soon lines became blurred, feelings began to grow, and someone’s heart was going to get broken. I hoped it wasn’t mine.

I was a Russian spy at the ripe age of thirteen, given my uncanny ability to tell if someone was lying ( I also read fortunes on the weekends). By sixteen I had become too much of a handful for the Lethal Intelligence Ensemble (L.I.E.). I was quickly exiled to the south of France where I worked with wayward elephants in the Circus of Roaming Animals and People (C.R.A.P.). I was able to make ends meet by selling my organs on the black market for pocket change and beer money. At the age of twenty three I decided to expand my horizons and become a blackjack dealer in Ireland. I loved the family atmosphere at Barney's Underground Liquor Lounge (B.U.L.L.). People couldn't resist the allure of Liquor up front and poker in the rear. Eventually I became tired of the rear and headed off to the United States to try my hand at tall tales. That is what brings us here today. If you have a moment I'd like to tell you a story. 
(This bio is not to be taken seriously under any circumstance.)

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the White Trash Trilogy, The Note, Perfect Lie, Pretty Little Things, Honor series, Safe Word & Rellik.

The Good Girls on goodreads || amazon US || amazon UK || amazon DE
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